IMPORTANT - Please note that 'Adopt a Sheep' purchases CAN NOT be combined in the same transaction as physical purchases such as knitwear or wool.
Here is your chance to support the sheep here at Barkland Croft by (virtually) adopting your choice of sheep for a year. The money you pay will go towards their upkeep and care over the year by helping to purchase feed, straw, medicines and suchlike.
In return, you will receive an introductory video and photo from your chosen sheep, two video updates from them throughout the year and a lock of their fleece posted to you when I shear them.
(Please note that each sheep may be adopted multiple times!)
Please remember to use the promo code ADOPTASHEEP at checkout so you do not get charged shipping fees on your adoption package!
Please note that this code may only be used with sheep adoptions and should not be applied to orders for physical products, which incur a shipping charge.
Adopt a Sheep - Page 3 of 4
Once you have chosen which sheep you'd like to adopt and added them to your shopping cart, click on 'view cart'.
This will take you to an overview of the items that are in your shopping cart.
In the bottom left-hand corner, underneath the list of items in your cart, there is an 'enter a promo code' link - click on this.
This will bring up a box asking you to 'enter a promo code' - type in ADOPTASHEEP and click on 'apply'. This will get rid of the shipping charges on your adoption order.
Please note that this code may only be used with sheep adoptions and should not be applied to orders for physical products, which incur a shipping charge.
When you continue to the checkout, you'll then be asked to fill out your details in the same way as for a physical purchase - it is important that you give your 'shipping address' as this is where I shall send your lock of fleece to at shearing time!
Please note that 'Adopt a Sheep' purchases CAN NOT be combined in the same transaction as physical purchases such as knitwear or wool.